Halloween Witch with a Polaroid Shaker 6x6" Card

Thursday, August 18, 2022

I really struggled with the Craft Roulette parameters this week! The folded corner really got me. I am not a fan of a corner just folded over (I like my symmetry) and I had some ideas to create a design with patterned paper with folded corners as a background, but I couldn't get it to work well with a 6x6" square card!

It was just by chance that I stumbled upon a card with an easel style fold with the front of the card folded diagonally in half on Pinterest and knew that was something I could get behind! I tried multiple times to find it again, but I was unable to find it to tag it here... But it was definitely not my original design.

I had some fun decorating the card with creating my own plaid background, a cutie witch flying by in a photo and finally a Polaroid inspired shaker to add some interactive fun! The parameters this week was: a 6x6" card; purple +2 colors (I did orange and green with neutrals; a photo element; and a folded corner.

You can see a little Instagram Reels with how I put together the shaker if you would like to see it down below! This card is probably not my most favorite thing I've ever made, but I learned a new fun fold and can see myself making this style card again. Do you think it's a fold you would try?



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